2023 Dues Now Being Collected

February 19, 2023 / Comments Off on 2023 Dues Now Being Collected


Dues season is upon us. You should have received the annual letter in the mail recently, along with a dues invoice statement. This year we have added another payment method (Venmo) to make it more convenient for you to make your payment. Many have begun to pay, thank you! We can’t stress enough how vital it is to the neighborhood for you to pay the $50. There are many expenses that we have to pay, not to mention any unforeseen expenses that may occur. There are still A LOT of people in the neighborhood that are not contributing, so we hope going forward that more will start paying.

When making your payment please be sure to include your name, address, email, and phone number so we can keep our directory up to date. Thank you in advance for your payments and donations!