Road Maintenance and Improvement Information

Current Road Maintenance The roads within our subdivision are currently maintained by the Oakland County Road Commission (RCOC). Unfortunately, many of our roads are in rough shape due to years of wear and tear. While the RCOC provides basic maintenance, full road rehabilitation and resurfacing require additional efforts from residents.

How to Get New Roads If we want to get new roads, we must follow the process outlined by the RCOC Subdivision Improvement and Development Division. This division assists residents in understanding the road paving process for subdivisions located in Oakland County townships. Please note that subdivisions within cities and villages fall under the jurisdiction of their respective municipalities.

One of the primary methods for funding road improvements is through a Special Assessment District (SAD). A SAD is a designated area where RCOC is requested to levy an assessment on property owners in exchange for road rehabilitation services. The Michigan Legislature authorized the use of SADs for road commissions in 1931 under Public Act 246.

For more details on how the process works, please refer to the following resources:

For further information, please contact the Subdivision Improvement and Development Division at 248-645-2000, ext. 2270.

If you would like to volunteer to help initiate this process, please contact the Golf Manor HOA at